Using Textile Waste To Create Innovative Works Of Art

Kirubel Melke is a unique and remarkable artist with a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Addis Ababa. He is known for his talent and style which creatively combines his passion for art with his fascination for textiles.

Inspired by his mother’s work at a garment factory and using fabric waste that she would bring home, Kirubel began focusing on fabric as his primary medium. He creates elaborate and detailed works of art made from fragments of cloth. Laundered garments hanging from a wire have been a recurring theme in his early work.

Using cloth as a marker for daily life, Kirubel creatively explores themes related to education, social injustice and the relationship between tradition and modernity, presenting pressing issues that are relevant to contemporary Ethiopian culture. His artwork is as inspiring as much as it is thought provoking and it is no wonder that Kirubel has exhibited extensively in Ethiopia and internationally.

Recently he approached Arakele Fashion Design College ( in Addis Ababa with regard to fabric remnants and the College is happy to partner with him – putting their own fabric waste to creative use!

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