From Dis-ease to Natural Peace with Yoga

Yoga is an ancient wealth of wisdom of holistic health, which is a gift passed down to us from our ancestors. The intent of yoga is to create well-being as a result of physical, emotional, mental, social, energetical and spiritual balance.  When we are in balance and alignment, there is a flow, an effortless ease. When we lose this balance, our immune system weakens and disrupted ease, leads to disease.

Yoga doesn’t just make you feel good. Yoga can be used to prevent, cure or manage disease. Unlike the placebo effect; you don’t have to “believe” in yoga for it to work. Just practice regularly! In order to maintain harmonious, make yoga a lifestyle!

In a survey of yoga practitioners’ mental and physical health, they reported better sleep, higher energy level, healthier weight, better relationships. Another study showed that increased yoga experience predicted lower body mass index and reduced medication use, improved brain biochemistry, blood glucose levels —and 86.5 percent reported they were happier because of practicing yoga.

Over-working, oversleeping, overeating, over-stressing, over-talking is draining and may result in youfighting the flu.However, ‘fighting’ creates more disease. Instead, eliminate the root cause of the imbalance & return to peace. Allow the body and mind to heal naturally. There is a healer within everyone, just give yourself the time and space to return to your natural state. When we utilize energy in the right way, nature is ready to refill & replenish it.

Your beliefs shape your reality. Whatever you think with feeling becomes real. What you focus on expands. When you have a stress response, your body produces cortisol, which puts you into a state of survival and fight or flight mode.

The “happiness” hormone oxytocin is produced by the heart and hypothalamus as a promoter of socialization, intimacy, resilience and love. Your attention is the most valuable thing that you have to offer.  Whatever you focus on with feeling becomes a reality to the brain and body. The presence of both cortisol and oxytocin offers you a biological choice. Which thoughts are you going to nurture with your ongoing attention?  Which neurotransmitter level is going to rise from your chosen focus?  Which feeling is going to become even stronger in your life?

Choose right to love life.

By: Heran Tadesse

Heran’s Yoga

+251(0)9 29 1121 70

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