Immunity at its peak!

Addis Ababa

The following Articles caught my attention recently: “104 – year-old American is world’s oldest coronavirus survivor.”

Here is another one: “A 101 – year-old British man was infected with coronavirus. He fought it for two weeks – and won, hospital says.”

How can a 101 – year old man fight COVID – 19 and win? Are we not talking about the immune system here?  Now, the question is how to bring the our immune system to perform at its peak?

”Beyond sanitizing and social distancing – a healthy circadian rhythm [A circadian rhythm a 24-hour internal clock that is running in the background of the brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals] may keep you sane and increase resilience to fight COVID – 19.” advices Professor Satchin Panda (University of California).

According to Prof. Satchin,  the answer to boosting our immunity may lie in simple steps we can take to maintain a robust circadian rhythm by the following simple practices: sleep, eating time, daylight exposure, exercise and stress management.

Sleep: Studies have shown that chronically sleep-deprived animals and humans have weaker immune system.

Eating time: Animal and human studies are increasingly showing that eating food and beverages within an 8 – to 12- hour window reduces disease and infection risk. This style of eating is referred to as time-restricted eating or intermittent fasting.

Daylight exposure: Not having an access to daylight weakens the immune system, may increase the risk of depression and other mood disorders. And the UV portion of sunlight may kill bacteria and viruses.

Exercise: Moderate exercise is pivotal in strengthening the immune system.

Stress management: Making social distancing a social isolation can lead to increased stress, depression and difficulty in falling asleep and thus, which can weaken the immune system.

In a recent BBC news experts at the Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC) in England emphasize the role of healthy lifestyle choice, which is capable of reducing the risk of becoming severely ill with the corona virus.

People should prepare to fight coronavirus like they would prepare for surgery by staying fit and healthy, say medics. A healthy  lifestyle  could make it less likely people be admitted to intensive care, says CPOC.

Wow! What a great news!

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