Inauguration Of Science Museum

The stunning new state of the art museum consists of two huge buildings and is situated on seven hectares of land. The unique dome shape incorporated in the architectural design, reflects the growth and wisdom of humankind. 80% of the museum space is green, covered with more than 4000 national trees, plants and beautiful flowers. There are also walking paths connecting the museum to surrounding city parks and the gardens provide seating for visitors to relax and enjoy their surroundings.

The largest museum building is located on more than 15 thousand square meters of land and its total width is about 132 meters. The museum uses natural energy transmissions and energy saving natural light from dams that connect with the natural system and energy-saving natural light. The main building of the museum has its own halls dedicated to both permanent and temporary science and art exhibitions. The museum is also equipped with a solar system that will generate necessary electricity required to run the building. It has been expressed that the museum is a place where science is expressed in an artistic way and art is viewed in a scientific way.  The Museum is a part of the Chinese backed Ethiopian Riverside Green Development Project Phase II.

According to the Office of the Prime Minister, the circular shape of the museum symbolizes perpetual development, human wisdom and is a testament to Ethiopia’s dedication to the future of technology.

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