Inclusive Design

Last month I wrote about the definition of interior design. In this month’s article I want to focus on the responsibilities of an interior designer.   Beautification of a space should be the result of a great design process. The initial and important stage of this process is responsible design; a design approach that encompasses universal design, accessible design, inclusive and equitable design.

As interior designers, we should create spaces that truly have the best interest of the users in mind. if our design lacks empathy, we will not succeed in designing spaces that are equitable, or that improve the occupants’ quality of life, the goal of great design.  Interior designers can truly empower and influence underserved communities. We can create designs that can break barriers and elevate the quality of spaces all around us. Therefore, it is our responsibility to make sure that we approach our design thinking about the types of people that will utilize the space and make the space accessible. If it important to make our designs simple, flexible and intuitive. All built areas should also take the initiative to minimize any potential hazards, accidents or inconveniences for everyone.

Everyone should be able to comfortably navigate through a building and use its features

equally. For Example, when designing spaces on an elevated level, the design should include a ramp. Designing with empathy will guarantee that the slope of the ramp will allow for all to comfortably utilize the ramp; independent wheel chair access and luggage cart access.  Alternatively, it is very common to include a domestic quarter/service quarters within our apartment units. Other features include access to daylight, fresh air, small storage and circulation spaces. The quality of space can impact both  physical and mental well-being.

Through my experience here in Ethiopia I have noticed numerous spaces that are beautifully built but do not serve or elevate the lives of their occupants. I want us to understand and actualize the designer’s responsibility to well-being, human rights, empathy and become leaders of the industry that embody the values of inclusive design. As interior designers we should create spaces that truly have the best interest of the users in mind. If our design lacks empathy, we will not succeed in designing spaces that are equitable, or improve the occupants’ quality of life (ultimately the goal of great design).  Our slogan at Star Bound Creations is ‘a human-centric design consultancy’, which places people as the focus of our all our design processes. We explore the connection between the human condition and the built environment.




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