Hibiscus for health

What's Out Addi

Hibiscus also known as Sorrel in the Caribbean are known for their large, beautiful flowers, but did you know the deep red flower has medicinal uses? Ethiopia hibiscus is one of the mallow plants that produce beautiful bright red or pinkish flowers The flowers and leaves can be made into teas and liquid extracts that can help treat a variety of conditions.

The Hibiscus plant thrivea in mildly warm climates that witness the herbal plant’s widespread growth in southern Mediterranean and the tropics, including the horn of Africa. The main characteristics of the flower includes the blooms that are quite outstanding form far due to their exposed pistils that rise above the equally fascinating floral blossoms.The calyces, or the central part of the blossom is the main source of herbal beverages.

The plants also act as sources of pollen for other flowers as bees and birds alike throng to them to seek nectar. In ancient times, the central part of the flower acted as a source of medicine for controlling body temperature. The ancient Egyptians also featured it to offer relief against cardiac and nervous system ailments.

It is common as a herbal tea that is rich in vitamins which help  to boost the immune system. People also use it for cholesterol treatment and digestion problems.  Ethiopia hibiscus grows in the Wondo Genet area of southern Ethiopia.

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